From there we even more overtaken the code in the browser. Nowadays, the browser works almost as an operating system that minimizes the dependence of the developer on the underlying OS. Chrome, for example, runs in Windows, Android, iOS and MacOS, performing the code within its own controlled quarantine. It is supposed to be abstraction than JVM or .NET.
And that’s why Wowm fascinates me. It has the potential to really answer the call “Write the oce, run everywhere”. That was a big jump of Java, but it didn’t take long for this aphorism to “write once, tune everywhere”.
While WASM does not “run everywhere” yet, its use is constantly expanding as a browser. It seems that wider acceptance, especially on the server side, is inevitable. Right now, WASM is most useful for computing intensive operations such as playing games and encryption. The sale of a browser is a goal for a large and constantly crowning part of applications, that’s why WASM becomes even wider.