Jfrog Uveils Jfrog ml for the mlops

Jfrog has issued Jfrog ML, a solution of the Labor, which is designed to provide the best DevOPS procedures to build, deploy, manage and monitor work flows AI/ml.

The company said by pairing procedures for the development of machine learning models with traditional DevSecops processes, organizations can enable development teams, data scientists and machine learning engineers to create AI applications ready for businesses, while these models are smoothly deployed. Hold. Jfrog ML is the first addition to Jfrog platform, which appears from the acquisition of Qwak.ai, announced in June 2024.

Jfrog ML, announced on March 4, helps overcoma challenges of complexity of machine learning models by introducing a structured framework designed to support the whole organization and ensure that the models are promoted from experience, said Jfrog. Jfrog ML uses the artifact Jfrog Artifactory and the Restilation and Integs with AI technology, the Amazon Sagemaker, Mlflow Databricks and Nvidia Nim.

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