TYPScript based on GO to get dramatically speed, scalabibility

Microsoft is developing the implementation of a native type of script based on Go Go. This initiative promises dramatic improvements to the editor starting speed, memory time and use of memory, which makes it easier to scalance the typewriting on large code, Microsoft.

The plan, which was announced on March 11, includes the transfer of the typewriter, the tool and the base of the code from JavaScript. Year.

Developers who use Go TypeScript in Visual Studio Code editor will feel increased speed in the editor, Microsoft said. The company promises 8x improvement of the project load time, immediate understanding of errors throughout projects and greater sensitivity to all language services operations, including completion lists, quick information, transition to definition and finding all links. The new typewriting will also support more advanced refactoring and deeper knowledge that was previously too expensive to calculate, the company said. The demo video project is available here.

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